Supporters may be aware that the BBC have just released an article which can be found here:

It should be stressed that as yet there is no official advice from the FA or League, but we hope to have information shortly. Without full details, and at such short notice the friendly game against Downton on Wednesday will remain behind closed doors, so fans will not be allowed entry to the ground on this occasion.

We are hopeful that future guidance may allow attendance at our final two friendly matches (home against Bath City and Eastleigh), and also may apply to fans wishing to travel to Hungerford, but there are separate considerations for these teams who play in what is termed “elite” football and the rules, bearing in mind potential crowd numbers, will no doubt be different from those applying at our level and below.

Alec Hayter

Press Officer

Ian Pearson
August 18, 2020

Ian Pearson

Media & Website Manager